Today I exercised my first ever vote in a federal election. This is one of the main reasons I became an Australian. I mean, I’ve lived here for the best part of 9 years, I need to be able to have my say and I’ve always figured I have no cause for complaint if I have no way of doing anything about the democratic process.
I walked out of the polling place feeling good. It’s a weird thing to feel good about. There are many people who do it because they have to, in Australia voting is compulsory (I still feel funky about that… surely part of democracy is exercising your choice NOT to vote if you chose.)
Still, I walked out head high and shoulders back, proud to have done my part, proud to be an Australian (and for those Kiwis out there I’d be equally pleased to be doing the same back in NZ). And as a result of millions of us taking part in the democratic process Australia has a new Prime Minister and is in for an interesting ride as a new broom sweeps through after 11 years of the old guard.
I wish John Howard a peaceful and relaxing retirement and look on with interest as the new government takes shape.
Fi says
Interesting times for Australians, that’s for sure. What does it mean to be Aussie ? Was Howard not representing that…I wonder…
deeleea says
Yes, interesting times indeed.
Given Howard losing his seat to a journalist and Peter Costello throwing his toys out of the play pen the Libs may be regretting some of their decisions in letting Johnny keep the leadership for this campaign. If they’d ditched him earlier they could have campaigned with change and new leadership that clearly benefited Labour…
Still, 11 years was a long time there are few governments that keep going that long, people get bored, there’s often a push for change. This is clearly one of those times.