Reading: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3) I know, I’m a big kid but they’re just so GOOD and it’s been a long time since I read them the first time!!
Video of the Week: BIG BANG BIG BOOM – the new wall-painted animation by BLU
Image of the Week: I’ve never been to Santorini. This makes me want to go REAL bad… Santorini
Surf’s Up: Going To Rain – this is cute – a quick reference as to whether you’ll need your umbrella, wherever you are! Going to Rain?
Post of Note: I honestly don’t how how true these emails of David Thorne’s are but damn they are funny! Missy is Missing
Listening: To the Fall by Beth Anderson [Link to iTunes] Stunning vocals, beautiful melodies and lyrics. Totally worth checking out.
Andy says
Lol I have just started reading Harry from the beginning too. Really enjoying it as well!!!
Deeleea says
freddysmama says
Oh no, don’t get me back on Harry! I’ve never had so many books waiting for me to read. I can’t start Harry again! Number three has always been my favourite though.
Deeleea says
LOL. You haven’t read the Forgotten Garden one yet, have you?! I won’t tell you that I’ve bought her second novel then, till you’ve read that…
Oh and you can’t read Harry – I’ve got your copies!! Ha!
Fi says
Santorini is bewdiful! Am lucky enough to have visited. Wish I had a proper camera back then, but then again, I was a backpacker and completely, utterly broke…
redsaid says
Would you believe it if I tell you that I never finished Harry?!? Yes, ’tis true. Not for lack of loving, though. Think I was just too depressed back then to do much of anything.
Oh and ha ha! For a change I’ve seen something before you’ve listed it here. The Missy is Missing. Don’t know how true it is either, but oh. My. Word. Too funny!
Deeleea says
Red, I think it’s time you got back into Harry – it’s aces!! And have you checked out the rest of the site Missy is on? There are some HILARIOUS posts. They guy’s a legend.