There’s been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about the decline of blogging and Twitter gets the blame, I have to say, I’ve found this to be partly true. I twitter daily, sometimes more than once and I’m not terribly happy about the effect it’s had on my blog. I’m rather fond of this forum and the record it has kept for me of my life the last 5 years (I think I’m close to that anniversary) Crumbs…
I think of the changes wrought in my world, the early blog on the Wibsite, the move to self hosted Movable Type… why did I even do that? I can scarcely tell you but I’ve been faithful to that platform ever since, becoming proficient enough to the point of helping other Movable Typists as well.
I’ve documented monument and trivia and I’d be very disappointed with myself not to continue doing the same. I’d be kidding myself if I thought I had an audience of more than twenty, nor that there’d be much hew and cry if I did quietly wind things down (more than I have done) but I’ve stopped listening to those voices, as others have said before me, the blog’s for me, not the audience. Like I really have anything important to say, I mean, really… (and no I’m not fishing, merely stating the obvious).
So I’ve been wondering about the down turn in my blogging. I could also blame the weight of university study, I could even blog more about that but I doubt there’s much that many would find interesting… eg. “oooh, we talked about internet governance today and what sort of issues there are surrounding the management of TLDS, CCTLDS and whether ICANN can resist a push to be more democratically managed…
See? I saw you glaze over… truth is, I do too… not best practice while you’re sitting in class…
I could blame the fact that I’m not working for anyone but myself and I’m not getting out much due to financial constraints or… and the list goes on. I was thinking about the work thing, and I never blogged about that before and there’s even less scandal when I’m working for myself so where did all my blog fodder go!!!
I could get all introspective about where my life is going, the struggles I’m having with church and the quiet path I seem to be beating to a different congregation… but that’s a bit personal, I could get into the internet dating scene again and try that on… but I don’t see that sitting comfortably either…
So I’m wondering what to do apart from sprucing it up, I do love when the design says more about me, and I’m missing retro girl…
I’m also considering a retrospective publishing of my Epic American/British and European Journeys with my sister from the early 90’s complete with scanned photos from that undertaking and scans of the badges collected along the way. I actually am keen to get some of that stuff published for my own interest and to that end I have transcribed one journal so I’m on the way…. the photo scanning thing… that’s a mammoth task I think..
I’m wondering if I need to plan a programme of blogging… Say 3 posts a week… themed…
Photo of the Week…
Recipe of the Week…
Travel story of the Week…
Over to you… any ideas?